. Whilst with her other toe she was roling her feet all around the bottom of my head. Mother. But as soon as her panties hit the floor, a very big dick hit my chin, my stepmother was a shemale!
"No way, you're a sh-" I tried to say my surprise but her enormous cock filled my mouth. Instead, she hit my face with her cock and rubbed it on me, making me all gooey
PORN: Ok ill hold longer than your feet can before thay get tired. Along with her feet pointing up so i could see the soles of her feet
. Whilst with her other toe she was roling her feet all around the bottom of my head. Mother. But as soon as her panties hit the floor, a very big dick hit my chin, my stepmother was a shemale!
"No way, you're a sh-" I tried to say my surprise but her enormous cock filled my mouth. Instead, she hit my face with her cock and rubbed it on me, making me all gooey
I guess because this was the first time I had ever done anything like this. I slipped around and went into her house and slipped into her bedroom and hid behind her door
. Whilst with her other toe she was roling her feet all around the bottom of my head. Mother. But as soon as her panties hit the floor, a very big dick hit my chin, my stepmother was a shemale!
"No way, you're a sh-" I tried to say my surprise but her enormous cock filled my mouth. Instead, she hit my face with her cock and rubbed it on me, making me all gooey